Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Fire Offering

His Eminence Thritsab Gyabra Rinponche and his followers are clearing the Pure Land of Sukhavati.Later the Palme Gon Buddhist Association members puts the colourful sand into packets for distribution to all devotees.

His Eminence Thritsab Gyabra Rinponche performs fire offering.

Fire Offering by Penang Kadampa Buddhist Association , Penang.

Fire offering by Penang Kadampa Buddhist Association , Penang .

Fire Offering by Penang Kadampa Buddhist Association , Penang.

Fire Offering by Penang Kadampa Buddhist Association , No.78 , Love Lane , Penang.


A fellow monk from Taiwan.

Dried foods for fire offering and some goodies.

Tortoises for liberation.

Fire Offering.

Kuan Yin Altar.

Fish Liberation

At Palme Gon Buddhist Association , Bgn.Lallang , Butterworth.

Tibetan Prayer Flags.

Given by Palme Gon Buddhist Association , Bgn.Lallang , Butterworth.

For fire offering.

At Palme Gon Buddhist Association , Bgn.Lallang , Butterworth.

Ven.Hai Tao looked at the animals for liberation.

The Singing Monk.

At Palme Gon Buddhist Association , Bgn.Lallang , Butterworth.

Crowd waited anxiously...

At Palme Gon Buddhist Association , Bgn.Lallang , Butterworth.

Devotees getting ready for lectures by Ven.Hai Tao.

At Palme Gon Buddhist Association , Bgn.Lallang , Butterworth.